Monday, July 15, 2024

1 MILLION $$ "budget shortfall" (Accounting FRAUD), reported by News-Gazette (2014)


reported Oct 2014, updated 2019

^^^ THIS. Accounting FRAUD for chrissake!!

EVERY UniHi alumni I've run into has had a INCREDULOUS reaction to this.

E.g., Jane Hays (UniHi '72), who attended a mini UniHi reunion Dec/2014, at Christine Szabo's house:

"What is going on with this?"

she asked Christine, who gave a typical political-type of excuse (LIE). I stood there, just *cringing* -- COME ON Christine. Just TELL THE TRUTH, for chrissake!

UniHi was *always* DYSFUNCTIONAL, now 23 years later after 1981:


it got a last-minute save when Dr James Tobin won the 1981 Economics Nobel, whereupon

U of I Provost, Dr Edwin "Ned" Goldwasser (U of I Physics, whose kids went to UniHi in early 60's)

decided UniHi was WORTH saving. And, put it under U of I Provost, previously it was under College of Education

^^^ BAD IDEA.. Because, UniHi NEVER got the Tough Love moment to get their S**T together:

Managment, esp Fiscal Responsibility ("balancing the budget")

There have been some cryptic references to UniHi, incl this tidbit:

"UniHi will always find a way to exist"
-- Warrenn Royer, UniHi English Dept, UniHi principal ('74 - '75)

I had thought UniHi had some Golden Years, as part of the typical

Peaks & Valleys evolution path

but, apparently UniHi was ALWAYS dogged by "existence" problems. Best summarized by my UniHi '75 Class President, Shawn Holliday:

"Fall down, pick yourself back up, struggled, FALL DOWN again. Rinse & Repeat"

-- Shawn Holliday, private communication, Re: America

UniHi ALWAYS had problems, dating back to my days ('70 - '75), I'm UniHi Class of '75:

Threats of closing UniHi down, DIFFERENT principal EACH YEAR (!), under-funded "poor" facilities, etc

I.e., Money & Leadership problems -- plague-ing the so-called "elite" high school..

I have since learned via Christine Szabo

[ "cheerleader" for UniHi, daughter of famed Dr Steven Szabo, protege of Dr Max Beberman (UICSM founder) ]

that UniHI was declared a "public high-school", to gain Public (taxpayer) funds.. MORE indication of FUNDING ISSUES at UniHi. Moreover, at my late June & early July visit of Urbana (& U of Illinois), there is a BIG SIGN on UniHi grounds -- BEGGING for Money/$$ !!

BAD SIGN.. [ no pun intended ]

On the heels of 1 MILLION $$ budget-shortfall, they are STILL having Fiscal Funding issues..

Well, now UniHi has *competitition*, the Academy High private HS:

^^^ seen at Marketplace Mall (Champaign)

At this point, if I were a C-U parent wanting an elite magnet school, Academy High would be the CLEAR choice! No problems, No drama

During our UniHi '75 20th reunion, the Alumni coordinator (awful Marilyn Upah-Bant) told me:

"UniHi teachers make 20% less, than the going-rate"

when I asked about UniHi teacher salaries. My best-friend @UniHi

[ now Dr Larry Stinson, anesthesiologist in Anchorage/AK ]

actually donated thousands of $$'s for alumni, to help with travel to 20th reunion. Including myself.

I *extended* the questionnaire started by Shawn Holliday (UniHi '75 Class President), by doing a self-initiated

History project for UniHi 70's ('70 - '80)

to answer the question:

"What is the Legacy of UniHi 70's classes"

I.e. How did it affect our Life Path, Career, etc.

I *asked* for the REMAINDER of Dr Larry Stinson's generous donation, to continue my project post-20th UniHi reunion, from Marily Upah-Bant. Upon which she got ANGRY with me, exclaiming:

"We're SAVING paper-clips here!"

^^^ Well..we NOW know the motive of the above 1 MILLION $$ "budget shortall"

[ translation: Accounting FRAUD ]

UniHi simply was Fiscally Inept, & resorted to FRAUD ("cheating")

Cheaters Never Prosper

as the saying goes..

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