Monday, July 15, 2024

WIDESPREAD drug-use, 60's & 70's -- UniHi FAILED MANAGEMENT, Failure to take-care of the students ("kids")

 I'm hearing some AWFUL stories, coupled with IRREFUTABLE evidence:

Suicides (esp in 60's), Mental Health, also DRUG ABUSE

ALL due to Failed Management at UniHi -- they FAILED to "protect their kids"

The IP (Intellectual Property) of UniHi are:

Teachers (passionate about their *mission*), Students (youthful exuberance, bright/motivated)

probing the frontiers of Education:

Curriculum Development Laboratory

A Noble Mission -- THAT was why parents/kids chose UniHi!

Let's talk about the latter  -- DRUG USE!

I'm getting this report from a high-ranking (student body) UniHi '75 classmate:

"3 of our classmates (Dads were U of Illinois Math Profs) became Drug-Users ..AND.. DRUG DEALERS"

This would be

1) Dr John Bartle (U of  Nebraska Dean College of  Public Affairs & Community Service)

John Bartle, Ph.D. | Office of the Chancellor | University of Nebraska Omaha (

2) (late) Mark Rubel
former EIU instructor, Blackbird Academy Director of Education

3) (late) Dr Hal Rothman

Hal Rothman - Wikipedia
noted Environmental Historian, Las Vegas historian, UNLV History Prof/Dept Head)

^^^ 2 of them are DECEASED -- only Dr John Bartle is left

IMAGINE the above going Public in MSM (Mainstream Media)!! Not only is Dr John Bartle is "toast", but so is UniHi!!

Excuse me.. OMG WTF! 

My Take:
I BLAME the Failed Leadership at UniHi, for ALLOWING drug-use (& resultant drug-dealership) to CORRUPT the UniHi student-body! Yeah, the students should KNOW BETTER than to put filth in their bodies -- that comes down to UPBRINGING (parents)! However, it's a KNOWN FACT that the dual

Parenting & Schooling is KEY to Education

So, I REALLY blame the schools -- in this case UniHi Upper Management -- TRASH!

Not only did they FAIL the kids, they also FAILED THEMSELVES with Fiscal IRRESPONSIBILITY!!

I.e., no Money -- NO SCHOOL! See the thread on 1 MILLION "budget shortfall" (Accounting FRAUD):

UniHi (U of Illinois) DISASTER, FAILED LEADERSHIP, drug-use, Mental Health probs: 1 MILLION $$ "budget shortfall" (Accounting FRAUD), reported by News-Gazette (2014) (

with articles by News-Gazette, Daily Illini, Gargoyle (UniHi student newspaper):

Uni’s million-dollar debt: the struggle to understand & fix it – The Gargoyle (

I DO remember a SHADY character in the Plato room (computer terminals), who CLEARLY was NOT a Uni student -- looked/talked like a drug-dealer. He tried to get me to give him a Plato signon. In the background, Eric Gullerud (UniHi '76) was waving his hands mouthing

"No way, NO WAY"

NOW, I'm putting together data points:

UniHi had POOR "people control" -- ALLOWING an obvious outsider (drug dealer) INSIDE their premises, selling drugs to UniHi students

NOW, when I call in June/2016 to Dr Jeff Walkington (poser co-director aka "principal") to answer to

1 MILLION $$ budget-shortfall (Accounting FRAUD)

[ a very friendly call, saying he should brush up his resume, & find another job ]

he calls U of I Police Chief Jeff Christensen, who then calls Pasadena PD (I live in Pasadena/CA, 2 blocks from Caltech), who sends

SWAT sniper with rifle ready "to drop a bomb on my head"

!!! OMG WTF.. I mean -- SERIOUSLY, what is going on??

Walkington ("bum principal making $171.8K/year salary") was VERY AFRAID OF ME

"Running SCARED"

so, he pulled a BONE-HEAD move (in conjunction with U of I Police Chief Jeff Christensen) -- literally PANIC'ed!!

RESORTED to Attempted Murder to try to silence me (AND others)! ]

Turns out that bum Walkington got "run out" of  UniHi in 2019

[ forced "resignation", not a FIRING to sound INCRIMINATORY against UniHi & U of I ]

took them THAT LONG .. FIVE freakin' years!!

^^^ This is SO "U of Illinois"

"I assume that Accounting Scandal is the reason for Walkington's RESIGNATION"
-- Dr Rick Schult, UniHi '75 (Stanford Geophysics PhD), personal communication

"U of Illinois will NEVER admit fault to ANYTHING. They just let their lawyers do the "dirty work" --LIE THEIR WAY OUT OF IT"
-- Jeff D***, my former K-6 classmate (Wiley Elementary), who works at U of I


I was part of the "straight & narrow" (small minority, I admit!), which included

Eric Rasmusen UniHi '76, Kathy Klock UniHi '74, etc

which AVOIDED the *infamous* Loung, which was a haven for

Bad Behavior

[ playing Poker, listening to LOUD music, & other shenanigans ]

Easy to call-out the above 3 drug-users & DRUG-DEALERS:

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