Monday, July 15, 2024

Daily Illini article "University High in $1 million debt due to accounting error" -- WHAT THE HECK??

Due to an accounting error that charged salaries to a closed account for several years, the University Laboratory High School has accumulated nearly $1 million of debt.  

Jeff Walkington, director of the high school, said they are still not sure how the error happened. 

The University filed a request for an audit in September, which is now underway. School officials hope the audit will tell more than just how the error occurred.

“We hope that from this audit we will figure out how the error happened and also how finances can be better monitored,” Walkington said.

^^^ WHAT A LIAR that Dr Jeff Walkington is.."not sure how it happened"

He makes 170K per year, 1 of the top salaries at U of Illinois: 

while his 'po-boy UniHi was SO HARD UP for Money/$$:

they pay teachers 20% less than public HS teachers

This is SO "Univ of Illinois" -- a VERY CORRUPT University. Racked with CONSECUTIVE SCANDALS:

1st one involving Admissions FRAUD -- disgraced IL governor Blagoyevich (sentenced to Federal Prison), who tried to get his cronies UNQUALIFIED kids in to U of I. Poor Dr Joe White had to RESIGN, after an U of I insider became whistle-blower:

"this ISN'T RIGHT, the Public has to know!"

2) former U of Connecticut douche (& his female crony, Psychology Prof)
600K spent on Search Committee, to find above trouble-makers, sordid paper-trail at U of Connecticut. .6 MILLION spent to find a couple of IDIOTS. Dr Gordon Baym  (U of I Physics Dept), et al went on a warpath to RUN these 2 jerks out..

Followed by DISGRACEFUL resignation in Aug/2015 by

Chancellor (Dr Phyllis Wise) & Provost (Dr Adesida, EE Dept)

after the lawsuit by Dr Steven Salaita

[ where U of I was BOYCOTTED by leading scholars, & CENSURED by AAUP (American Assn of University Professors). After Dr Salaita was hired, then un-hired ("fired") simply for expressing his Freedom of Speech ]

revealed that they were using PRIVATE EMAILS to conduct University business:

in violation of Public Disclosuere Laws. I.e, what they did was TOTALLY ILLEGAL

"This University is so messed up"/Dr Phyllis Wise

"I agree this University is MESSED UP"/Dr Adesida

^^^ Oh Boy!! Once these emails went Public, these 2 clowns had NO CHOICE but to resign!

2 weeks later, Head Football Coach Tim Beckman was FIRED for player-abuse, after his former player tweeted whistle-blowing evidence. 6 months later, AD (Athletic Director) Mike Thomas was FIRED!

The DIAA (Division of Intercollegiate Athletic) was left in SHAMBLES due to the above. It was that clown Dr Phyllis Wise who HIRED that idiot Mike Thomas, as AD

Then, she turns around & pulls MORE boners while Chancellor

^^^ This is SO "U of Illinois"

There were SCORES of U of I alumni, CALLING IN to U of I to complain!

Myself included..

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