Monday, July 15, 2024

Erika Harold (future 2003 Miss America), victim of sexual harassment at UniHi

NPR : National Press Club -- Erika Harold, Miss America 2003 (


Our beloved UniHi (part of College of Education at U of  I), haven for Discovery Learning, has devolved into a platform for Bullying & Sexual/Racial HARASSMENT!!

Our 20th Reunion (UniHi Class of '75) was greeted in Urbana, with FRONT-PAGE article

"NOT all is well at UniHi"

Which was a scathing article, on Erika Harold (UniHi '97), & her story of ABUSE.

Some of us mentioned it to each other:

"Did you see that front-page News Gazette article?"
"Yeah, it was brought up"

Just indication, that UniHi has had a PERSISTENT problem with Failed Leadership:

Fiscal IRRESPONSIBILITY (no money), Drug Use, etc

UniHi was supposed to be about a friendly community, amongst students & teachers

"It was a place where you could be YOURSELF, & be accepted for who you were"
-- Lorelle Uggerby, UniHi '75, 20th Reunion

^^^ very bright person, super gregarious

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