Tuesday, July 16, 2024

"Why should I donate to UniHi, if its facilities are in such DISREPAIR [ worn out stairs ]", UniHi alum

 Above told to me by Advancement Office contact

I asked him for list of alumni/teachers, NEVER GOT IT!

Apparently I'm *blackballed* by Advancement Office (AND UniHi upper-management), they are AFRAID of me!


UniHi has historically had *PERSISTENT* problems:

1) different principal every year 

1970 - 1975, College of Education simply "couldn't keep it together"

2) threats of Shutting-It-Down ('70 - '75)

my UniHi '75 classmate Louise Allen, told me this (over the phone), on her UniHi remembrance

3) MONEY issues, i.e. Fiscal Irresponsibility

Famous saying -- "Follow the Money". UniHi has ALWAYS had under-performing antiquated facilities.


Somebody in Upper Management simply FAILED:

"The President of University is *responsible* for bringing in Money/$$" 

[ as per Dr Jay Pasachoff, Williams College Prof Astronomy (Harvard PhD Astronomy), personal communication ]


FINALLY, in '81, it was scheduled to be SHUT DOWN. However, it got a "save" from

Dr James Tobin, Economics Nobel awarded for 1981 

which caused THEN U of I Provost (Dr Edwin "Ned" Goldwasser, U of I Physics Prof) to say:

"maybe UniHi is worth saving"

[ his kids went to UniHi in early 60's ]

And, put UniHi under U of I Provost..

^^^ BAD IDEA! UniHi NEVER got the Tough Love moment to improve-itself (Evolve!):

towards UniHi 2.0

So, here we are in 2024 -- 10 YEARS after red-flag

1 MILLION Accounting FRAUD

[ billing teacher-salaries to bogus account, they [ UniHi upper-management ] resorted to CHEATING!! ]

as reported by News-Gazette, Daily Illini, Gargoyle (UniHi student newspaper):


^^^ EXCUSE ME?? "they are still not sure how the error happened"


[ sure enough, he got RUN OUT of UniHi in 2019 ("resignation") -- it took that AWFUL U of Illinois FIVE F***G YEARS to "get rid of the bum"..

"I assume the accounting scandal was why he had to resign"
-- Dr Rick Schult, UniHi '75, MIT undergrad & Stanford PhD Geophysics, personal communication

FIVE YEARS is an *eternity*, raking (more like "raping") in more than $170K/year ]

Dr Jeff Walkington makes $171.8K/year (ranks in top 10% of U of I officials), his high-school has historically been POOR, teacher salaries are 20% LOWER than market-rate, etc

"We're scraping for paper-clips here!"
-- Marilyn Upah-Bant (shouting to me over the phone), UniHi Alumni Director, during our UniHi '75 20th Reunion (1995)

Well, we NOW have a Motive.. UniHi upper-management resorted to CHEATING, to "balance their budget"


Uni’s million-dollar debt: the struggle to understand & fix it – The Gargoyle (illinois.edu)

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