Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dr Jeff Walkington, the BUM who ran UniHi into-the-ground (1 MILLION $$ Accounting FRAUD, resultant 1M debt!)

Jeff Walkington, the MOST INFAMOUS principal in UniHi history, making 171.8K yearly salary & living in a PALATIAL mansion in up-scale East Urbana

was UniHi Principal in-residence during the BIGGEST SCANDAL in history of UniHi:

1 MILLION $$ Accounting FRAUD -- billing teacher salaries to a BOGUS account!

As reported by News-Gazette, Daily Illini, Gargoyle (UniHi student newspaper):



Uni’s million-dollar debt: the struggle to understand & fix it – The Gargoyle (illinois.edu)

Check out the *guilt-ridden* response by Bum Walkington (claims to have a PhD..LOL):

^^^ EXCUSE ME?? "they are still not sure how the error happened"


[ sure enough, he got RUN OUT of UniHi in 2019 ("resignation") -- it took that AWFUL U of Illinois FIVE F***G YEARS to "get rid of the bum"..

"I assume the accounting scandal was why he had to resign"

-- Dr Rick Schult, UniHi '75, MIT undergrad & Stanford PhD Geophysics, personal communication

FIVE YEARS is an *eternity*, raking (more like "raping") in more than $171.8K/year ]

On top of the above, when I called Bum Walkington back in June/2016, after I visited Urbana/IL:

"maybe you should brush up your resume, & look for employment elsewhere"

whereupon I get a visit from Pasadena PD to my home in Pasadena (I live 2 blocks from Caltech)

They told me they had a SWAT sniper with rifle, hiding behind a tree:

"ready to drop a bomb on my head"

[ TRANSLATION: head shot, aka "blow my head off" ]

!!!!??? WHAT..

Apparently, "Bum" Walkington..RUNNING SCARED (knowing this scandal will ultimately result in Resignation or FIRING), decided to make a DESPERATE MOVE

"There are no Desperate Situations, only DESPERATE PEOPLE"
-- General Heinz Guderian, inventor Blitzkrieg (Lightning War)

Apparently, somewhere along the line:

Bum Walkington to Jeff Christensen (U of I Police Chief, another BUM!)

[ he got EXPOSED as an Incompetent/CORRUPT JERK during the SCANDALOUS Yingying Zhang kidnappig/rape/murder/be-heading, who ENCOURAGED U of I students to report crimes on Reddit UIUC. Sure enough, various reports surface -- including an attempt at

parking lot of  U of I Police Station (Goodwin/Springfield)

just 1 block East of UniHi. The perpetrator (crazed U of I Physics grad-student Brendt Christesen)  as actually ROAMING the STEM area:

Bardeen Quad (Beckman Inst, ECE Bldg, Coordinated Science Laboratory, NCSA, Siebel Center for Computer Science) & UniHi

On top of that, there was an attempt the morning of Yingying Zhang kidnapping (afternoon), east of Lincoln Ave (in Urbana) -- female PhD student (Atmospheric Sciences). She *dutifully* reported it to Urbana PD, but IT NEVER GOT FORWARDED to U of  I Police!! CONTRADICTING what U of I Police Chief (Jeff Christense) claimed on Reddit UIUC:

"U of I Police network closely with Urbana PD & Champaign PD"

Jeff Christensen showed up at Altgeld Hall town-meeting, with U of I Vice-President Communications (Robin Kaler) -- red-in-the-face (obviously DRINKING) & LEG SHAKING NERVOUSLY!! Clearly, he was feeling the Heat (Guilty as Charged  -- INCOMPETENCE)

Yes, Jeff Christensen AUTHORED many Trespass Notices AGAINST ME, in my *dutiful* activity in reporting

Threat to NATIONAL SECURITY (US Air Force spy-satellites in JEOPARDY)

sourced from Caltech/NASA/JPL

in order to PROTECT my Dad's legacy (U of I Aerospace Eng Prof/Dept Head), who

established *strong* collaboration between U of I College of Engineering & Caltech/NASA/JPL

[ via Dr Ken Atkins (U of I Aerospace Eng PhD, who flew B52 strategic bombers in Vietnam Conflict ]

Jeff Christensen is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the EXTORTION against me, in trying to

PROTECT National Security of United States

as per Security Briefings I had at Caltech/NASA/JPL

"Mandatory Requirement to report ANY Threat to National Security"

WOW..that means U of I Police, Police Chief "Jeff Christensen", U of I Aerospace Eng Dept are COMPLICIT as *accessory* ("enabler") to that

ROGUE Caltech/NASA/JPL (Caltech runs JPL under NASA contract)

where they will be SHUT DOWN *PERMANENTLY* by FBI (with DoJ "Dept of Justice" in tow). Just Google Search "Los Alamos Lab Security Breach":

Los Alamos National Lab (where Atomic Bomb was developed in WW2) was SHUT DOWN for 2 weeks

to investigate the Security Breach.

However, the Caltech/NASA/JPL is FAR MORE SERIOUS -- the Bad Actor (non-PhD astronoer at JPL) has been acting like a "sleeper spy" for nearly 40 Freakin' Years.. Yes, he's JEWISH ]

decided to FABRICATE A LIE about me -- likely FALSELY ACCUSING ME of a death-threat!

This is COMMONLY DONE by Urbana PD:

"we got a report of you threatening people with a gun, & shooting them up"

^^^ TOTAL F***G LIE, these SH*T COPS!!

[ I have experienced this TWICE, during my July/2024 visit to Urbana/IL, while making rounds at U of Illinois -- arranging meetings with various Dept Heads:

Physics, Mechanical Sciences & Engineering, Beckman Institute (Biophysics), Chemistry, Computer Science, Astronomy, etc

Also, visiting some people in Urbana -- 2 of my old residences (my parents) & friends (neighbors). Also, Dr Thomas Huang's old residence (2211 Vawter, Urbana) ]

A simple FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request, will REVEAL the dirty paper-trail.

Yes, they would be STUPID ENOUGH to do it via email, likely PRIVATE EMAIL

[ in violation of Public Disclosure Laws -- U of I business MUST be conducted using Illinois.edu emails. ]

BTW, this is what the lawsuit by Dr Steven Salaita (infamous Dr Steven Salaita SCANDAL) revealed about Chancellor (Dr Phyllis Wise) & Provost (Dr Adesida, EE Dept):

"This University is so messed up"/Dr Phyllis Wise

"I agree, this university is messed up"/Dr Adesida

^^^ WOW.. As soon as these DISCUSTING emails went Public (MSM "Mainstream Media"), the above 2 bums (with Bum Walkington, a close 3rd) had NO CHOICE but to RESIGN in Aug/2015

Another Top Official At University Of Illinois Resigning - CBS Chicago (cbsnews.com)

Likely when I get a lawyer to SUE UniHi, U of Illinois -- a SIMILAR thing will be revealed:

"DIRTY (private) emails used to ASSASSINATE Dr Robert Yen using FABRICATED LIES ("threatening phone call by me to Bum Walkington")"

The lawyer? Just any one of the my various '70 - '75 classmates:

1) Shawn Holliday UniHi '75, U of Michigan Law School grad, U of I bronze-tablet scholar (Political Science)
my best friend growing up K-6 (Wiley Elementary)

2) Lt Commander (retired) Tom Dworschak, U of I ROTC, Emory Law School
former US Army lawyer (along with his wife Betty), did his 20 years..retired. Then, joined

DoJ (Dept of Justice)/Atlanta as trial-attorney

Tom & I are going to Congress, to testify about

MONSTROUS SCANDAL in Astronomy/Physics implicating major R1 (Research Tier 1) Univs, NASA (!!)

Caltech, Harvard, MIT, U of Arizona, Stanford, Arizona State, U of Illinois (!!)

NASA/JPL (run by Caltech), NASA/AMES, NASA/GSFC (Goddard Space Flight Center..brain-trust of NASA)

^^^ NOTE "U of Illinois" -- this brings them into a SECOND CASE of 


!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS S**T UP..as the saying goes

At this point, the reader is saying


It's the Narcissist DYSFUNCTIONAL (full of Incompetence/CORRUPTION) Academia:


"It's ironic. Universities are supposed to be the bastions of freedom, but WHEN YOU LOOK BEHIND THE SCENES, THEY'RE VERY EXPLOITATIVE"
-- Scot Hamilton, from Washington Post article "Professor of Desperation"

Just look at how Web/Internet is EXPOSING Academia for WHAT IT IS -- Mafia-like practices:

Exortion, Gangster University Police, etc

^^^ THIS. It's what FREAKIN' HAPPENED TO ME -- Caltech AND U of Illinois!!

These "Machines" will goto NO ENDS, stoop to LOWEST LEVEL -- to GET WHAT THEY WANT!

Like I say, they're run like MAFIA!

"Univs are run like CORPORATIONS"
-- Dr Rick Schult, UniHi '74, private communication

(EXAMPLE)  Caltech is a good example -- how they ABUSED Dr Sandra Troian
She had a classified project (Space Technology) at JPL (Caltech manages it under NASA contract)

*correctly*reported her Israeli post-doc to FBI, for ESPIONAGE

[ sending sensitive information back to Israel ]

Lawsuit says Caltech Provost and others ignored Israeli spying and then retaliated against whistleblower


She was then EXTORTED by (scumbag) Jewish 

President Dr Thomas Rosenbaum (Physics) & Provost Dr Ed Stolper (Geophysics)

along with female staffers BREAKING INTO Dr Troian's office, to STEAL her evidence!!

^^^ SERIOUSLY -- felony "breaking & entering" ??


Poor Sandra developed heart problems, & was literally TORTURED by the above A**H***S!

She SUED Caltech..and WON! Open-and-Shut case, due to IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE ("smoking gun" trail)

-- Sandra Troian, shouting to me over the phone

Moral of the Story:
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, mess with an Italian woman!!

"My Italian mom would NOT be afraid to resort to physical means..[  Tough Love ]"
-- Bill Parcells, famed NFL football coach (2 Super Bowl rings), ESPN Sports Century "Bill Parcells"

Then..THERE'S ME!!

I have an Italian type of personality, I wear my Emotions on my Sleeve. Having been trained with Tough Love at

Wiley K-6 (Urbana), UniHi (U of Illinois Dept of Education), U of Illinois Electrical Eng (BS/MS/PhD)


Unfortunately, the U of Illinois & UniHi (its red-headed step child) have displayed

Worst of the WORST

towards me, when I SIMPLY brought up OBVIOUS issues w/UniHi (THEIR doing, not ME!!)

BTW, it's NOT JUST ME -- there are OTHER UniHi alumni who are UNHAPPY, especially after the


E.g., Jane Hays (UniHi '72)

"What is going on with that?"
-- Jane Hays, asking Christine Szabo, Dec/2014 mini-UniHi reunion

The story of  Dr "The Bum" Walkington ISN'T OVER..


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