Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Mental Health issues, uptick in Suicide Rate!

Probably the most noted UniHi suicie was iris Chang, noted Historian

Iris Chang's suicide stunned those she tried so hard to help -- the survivors of Japan's 'Rape of Nanking' (sfgate.com)

Iris Chang - Wikipedia

She was the daughter of Dr SJ Chang

[ Harvard PhD Physics, advisor was Physics Nobelist Dr Julian Schwinger -- QED "Quantum Electro Dynamics ]

My family & Chang family were friends, as part of the close-knit Chinese-American professorial community at U of I

I can STILL remember my Mom..SCREAMING, as she received the News-Gazette -- article on Iris Chang suicide! I was visiting Urbana/IL at the time. My Mom arranged a follow-up meeting with

Joan Hicks (ex-wife of Dr Bruce Hicks, close family friend, whose son attended UniHi)

[  Caltech PhD Physics, advisor was 2-time Nobelist (Chemistry & Peace) Dr Linus Pauling  co-founder of CFD "Computational Fluid Dynamics" at U of I. My Dad (Aerospace Eng Prof, later Dept Head) joined this group, & took it over when Dr Hicks moved to

College of Education (CAI "Computer Assisted Instruction")

My Dad considered Dr Hicks as a mentor, which influenced him to gravitate towards Caltech alumni

( bringing in famed Caltech PhD Physics, Dr Stephen Wolfram, to U of I -- triple Math/Physics/CS appointment )

& collaboration

( leading a U of I  (College of Engineering) collaboration with Caltech/NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory )

The fact that their son Bruce went to UniHi, influenced my parents to send me to UniHi ]

She (Joan Hicks) told me

"There were a LOT of suicides amongst 60's UniHi students"

which implies that there was *talk* (networking amongst parents, friends, etc) about this uncomfortable issue..

"People talk (share information), WORD TRAVELS FAST"

This blog simply gathers what *I* have found in my "un-intentional History project of 70's UniHi"

sharing with other UniHi alumni. Get EACH CLASS talking, summarizing:

data-points, conclusions, suggestions for UniHi for IMPROVEMENT

"Sucess is 90% FAILURE"
-- Soichiro Honda

I attended my 20th UniHi '75 Reunion, where some class members ruefully mentioned SUICIDES!

Shawn Holliday mentioned the suicide of Chas xxx, UniHi '98 (Form 1). He was a U of I Physics major, who was on drugs. Ended his life, even made a

call for help to Mary Beberman UniHi '76

[ told to me by Mary himself ]

See post on Drug Abuse -- RAMPANT among UniHi students (70's classes). UniHi '75 especially, even other classes (early 70's)

"I did a LOT of heroine that night.."
-- leading Solar Energy figure (Santa Monica/CA), UniHi '76

"I did LOTS of drugs"
-- UniHi '72 (?), told at mini-UniHi reunion Dec/2014 (Christine Szabo's house)

^^^ OMG WTF. Recreational drug-use (small amounts) are excusable, but the ABOVE is "WAY OVER THE TOP"!!

My Take:

I put the blame SQUARELY on UniHi upper-management -- Principal, Vice-principal, Teachers, Counselor Office, etc


Especially, with apparently RAMPANT drug use in certain classes. I DO remember a SHADY character (obviously NOT a UniHi student, likely a drug dealer) who was openly at the PLATO terminal room. He tried to pressure me to give him a PLATO sign-on, whereupon

Eric Gullerud UniHi '76

was waving his hands at me *frantically* saying

No Way..NO WAY!!

I DO remember '74 - '75 Principal Warren Royer (English Dept), walking into this VERY room late (6'ish) to CLOSE THE WINDOWS. How is it possible, a drug-dealer could be roaming the VERY SAME ROOM, the UniHi principal walked-in to close it up?

UniHi was this *elite* school, which catered to

motivated/serious & bright students

who (along w/parents) wanted to part of this Noble Cause:

Curriculum Development Laboratory HS

[ pushing-the-limits toward Education 2.0 -- The Next Generation ]

UniHi was noted for being a STEM school, particularly Mathematics & Technology.

Dr Max Beberman (UICSM "U of Illinois Curriculum on Secondary Mathematics") co-led the (controversial) New Math movement, with Stanford Univ, at UniHI.

The PLATO computer (co-founded by Dr Don Bitzer/EE & Dr Gene Slottow/EE) was a pioneer in

CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction)

which is known today as MOOC (Massively Open Online Courseware). E.g., Coursera (Stanford origins), EdX (joint MIT & Harvard MOOC), etc

UniHi students made notable contributions (as system programmers) to PLATO:

Kim Mast UniHi '72

David Woolley UniHi '72

Dave Frankel UniHi '76

Other students were end-users (like myself), who developed Application Programs.

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