Tuesday, July 16, 2024

To UniHi -- Bad KARMA, "What goes around COMES AROUND"

 Chaos/Turmoil follows UniHi, it's just a DISASTER!

"Great Engineering DISASTERS"
"Biggest Blunders in Military History"

"Life is 20% what happens to you, 80% HOW YOU RESPOND TO IT"
-- a wise man once said

To UniHi "upper Management":

Historically, UniHi has been CURSED with *persistent* problems.

You NEVER addressed the CORE problem -- YOU. It can be traced to U of Illinois "Curse of  Bureacracy" & its

DISASTER of Upper-Management

The seemingly ENDLESS trail of problems, now this

1 MILLION $$ Accounting FRAUD

where that Dr Jeff "Bum" Walkington is "Laughing All the Way to the Bank" with his RIDICULOUS

171.8K annual salary

while teachers are making 20% less-than-market race.

^^^ This is just FLAT OUT *INSULTING*

On top of that, the Uni teachers UNIONIZED themselves as "Uni Faculty Org", then

SUED U of Illinois (represented by that A-HOLE Dr Jeff "Bum" Walkington)

..sure enough U of I LOST, appealed, LOST THE APPEAL

"Bum" Walkington RESIGNED In 2019, a good FIVE YEARS after the Biggest SCANDAL in history of UniHI (2014) reported by

News Gazette, Daily Illini, Gargoyle (UniHi student newspaper)

which means "Bum" Walkington RAKED IN 171.8 x 5 = $859 .. nearly 1 MILLION $$

[ funded by hard-working Illinois tax payers ]

while acting as a "lame duck" principal.

SERIOUSLY, how does he show-his-face for FIVE F***G YEARS, does he not have

NO CONFIDENCE VOTE (teachers, students, parents, etc)

?? He needs to be SUED to get that .8 MILLION back, with plaintiffs:

Illinois taxpayers, students/teachers (past & present)

See below INSIDER ("peep"), whose Dad was offered U of I Presidency

Coach Juice box wrote:

Agreed, but on the outside looking in, I thought MT [ fired Athletic Director Mike Thomas ] had a stellar reputation and I didn't even know about the awards he won. I was actually shocked that anyone was able to convince him to come to Illinois. I really thought that he'd get some quality coaches here. As time goes on, I think the real elephant in the room is the top-level "leadership" we have; it's hot garbage. 

For example, my Dad has been offered by the UofI to interview for several high-level positions over the past 4-5 years, including the highest [ President U of Illinois ]. He also was formerly employed at the UofI for 20+ years, before moving on. His reply to the interview offers have always been, while chuckling,

"there's no way I'd ever work there now; the place [ U of Illinois ] is a disaster.”

My Dad seriously considered working for UNC

[ caught NCAA violations, 2005 NCAA Basketball final between UNC & U of Illinois — NULLED!!! ]

at a high-level position, recently. THAT'S how #$%&@!ed up things are at the UofI.  

To Reader:
FORGET  about U of Illinois (AND UniHi..now under U of I Provost) -- it has a Historic CHRONIC ("ingrained") problem with Upper Management

Bunch of F***G LOSERS..

U of I alumni are reporting back, they are getting FLAK:

"What is going on at U of Illinois? Are you NOT Embarassed?"

Mental Health issues, uptick in Suicide Rate!

Probably the most noted UniHi suicie was iris Chang, noted Historian

Iris Chang's suicide stunned those she tried so hard to help -- the survivors of Japan's 'Rape of Nanking' (sfgate.com)

Iris Chang - Wikipedia

She was the daughter of Dr SJ Chang

[ Harvard PhD Physics, advisor was Physics Nobelist Dr Julian Schwinger -- QED "Quantum Electro Dynamics ]

My family & Chang family were friends, as part of the close-knit Chinese-American professorial community at U of I

I can STILL remember my Mom..SCREAMING, as she received the News-Gazette -- article on Iris Chang suicide! I was visiting Urbana/IL at the time. My Mom arranged a follow-up meeting with

Joan Hicks (ex-wife of Dr Bruce Hicks, close family friend, whose son attended UniHi)

[  Caltech PhD Physics, advisor was 2-time Nobelist (Chemistry & Peace) Dr Linus Pauling  co-founder of CFD "Computational Fluid Dynamics" at U of I. My Dad (Aerospace Eng Prof, later Dept Head) joined this group, & took it over when Dr Hicks moved to

College of Education (CAI "Computer Assisted Instruction")

My Dad considered Dr Hicks as a mentor, which influenced him to gravitate towards Caltech alumni

( bringing in famed Caltech PhD Physics, Dr Stephen Wolfram, to U of I -- triple Math/Physics/CS appointment )

& collaboration

( leading a U of I  (College of Engineering) collaboration with Caltech/NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory )

The fact that their son Bruce went to UniHi, influenced my parents to send me to UniHi ]

She (Joan Hicks) told me

"There were a LOT of suicides amongst 60's UniHi students"

which implies that there was *talk* (networking amongst parents, friends, etc) about this uncomfortable issue..

"People talk (share information), WORD TRAVELS FAST"

This blog simply gathers what *I* have found in my "un-intentional History project of 70's UniHi"

sharing with other UniHi alumni. Get EACH CLASS talking, summarizing:

data-points, conclusions, suggestions for UniHi for IMPROVEMENT

"Sucess is 90% FAILURE"
-- Soichiro Honda

I attended my 20th UniHi '75 Reunion, where some class members ruefully mentioned SUICIDES!

Shawn Holliday mentioned the suicide of Chas xxx, UniHi '98 (Form 1). He was a U of I Physics major, who was on drugs. Ended his life, even made a

call for help to Mary Beberman UniHi '76

[ told to me by Mary himself ]

See post on Drug Abuse -- RAMPANT among UniHi students (70's classes). UniHi '75 especially, even other classes (early 70's)

"I did a LOT of heroine that night.."
-- leading Solar Energy figure (Santa Monica/CA), UniHi '76

"I did LOTS of drugs"
-- UniHi '72 (?), told at mini-UniHi reunion Dec/2014 (Christine Szabo's house)

^^^ OMG WTF. Recreational drug-use (small amounts) are excusable, but the ABOVE is "WAY OVER THE TOP"!!

My Take:

I put the blame SQUARELY on UniHi upper-management -- Principal, Vice-principal, Teachers, Counselor Office, etc


Especially, with apparently RAMPANT drug use in certain classes. I DO remember a SHADY character (obviously NOT a UniHi student, likely a drug dealer) who was openly at the PLATO terminal room. He tried to pressure me to give him a PLATO sign-on, whereupon

Eric Gullerud UniHi '76

was waving his hands at me *frantically* saying

No Way..NO WAY!!

I DO remember '74 - '75 Principal Warren Royer (English Dept), walking into this VERY room late (6'ish) to CLOSE THE WINDOWS. How is it possible, a drug-dealer could be roaming the VERY SAME ROOM, the UniHi principal walked-in to close it up?

UniHi was this *elite* school, which catered to

motivated/serious & bright students

who (along w/parents) wanted to part of this Noble Cause:

Curriculum Development Laboratory HS

[ pushing-the-limits toward Education 2.0 -- The Next Generation ]

UniHi was noted for being a STEM school, particularly Mathematics & Technology.

Dr Max Beberman (UICSM "U of Illinois Curriculum on Secondary Mathematics") co-led the (controversial) New Math movement, with Stanford Univ, at UniHI.

The PLATO computer (co-founded by Dr Don Bitzer/EE & Dr Gene Slottow/EE) was a pioneer in

CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction)

which is known today as MOOC (Massively Open Online Courseware). E.g., Coursera (Stanford origins), EdX (joint MIT & Harvard MOOC), etc

UniHi students made notable contributions (as system programmers) to PLATO:

Kim Mast UniHi '72

David Woolley UniHi '72

Dave Frankel UniHi '76

Other students were end-users (like myself), who developed Application Programs.

Dr Jeff Walkington, the BUM who ran UniHi into-the-ground (1 MILLION $$ Accounting FRAUD, resultant 1M debt!)

Jeff Walkington, the MOST INFAMOUS principal in UniHi history, making 171.8K yearly salary & living in a PALATIAL mansion in up-scale East Urbana

was UniHi Principal in-residence during the BIGGEST SCANDAL in history of UniHi:

1 MILLION $$ Accounting FRAUD -- billing teacher salaries to a BOGUS account!

As reported by News-Gazette, Daily Illini, Gargoyle (UniHi student newspaper):



Uni’s million-dollar debt: the struggle to understand & fix it – The Gargoyle (illinois.edu)

Check out the *guilt-ridden* response by Bum Walkington (claims to have a PhD..LOL):

^^^ EXCUSE ME?? "they are still not sure how the error happened"


[ sure enough, he got RUN OUT of UniHi in 2019 ("resignation") -- it took that AWFUL U of Illinois FIVE F***G YEARS to "get rid of the bum"..

"I assume the accounting scandal was why he had to resign"

-- Dr Rick Schult, UniHi '75, MIT undergrad & Stanford PhD Geophysics, personal communication

FIVE YEARS is an *eternity*, raking (more like "raping") in more than $171.8K/year ]

On top of the above, when I called Bum Walkington back in June/2016, after I visited Urbana/IL:

"maybe you should brush up your resume, & look for employment elsewhere"

whereupon I get a visit from Pasadena PD to my home in Pasadena (I live 2 blocks from Caltech)

They told me they had a SWAT sniper with rifle, hiding behind a tree:

"ready to drop a bomb on my head"

[ TRANSLATION: head shot, aka "blow my head off" ]

!!!!??? WHAT..

Apparently, "Bum" Walkington..RUNNING SCARED (knowing this scandal will ultimately result in Resignation or FIRING), decided to make a DESPERATE MOVE

"There are no Desperate Situations, only DESPERATE PEOPLE"
-- General Heinz Guderian, inventor Blitzkrieg (Lightning War)

Apparently, somewhere along the line:

Bum Walkington to Jeff Christensen (U of I Police Chief, another BUM!)

[ he got EXPOSED as an Incompetent/CORRUPT JERK during the SCANDALOUS Yingying Zhang kidnappig/rape/murder/be-heading, who ENCOURAGED U of I students to report crimes on Reddit UIUC. Sure enough, various reports surface -- including an attempt at

parking lot of  U of I Police Station (Goodwin/Springfield)

just 1 block East of UniHi. The perpetrator (crazed U of I Physics grad-student Brendt Christesen)  as actually ROAMING the STEM area:

Bardeen Quad (Beckman Inst, ECE Bldg, Coordinated Science Laboratory, NCSA, Siebel Center for Computer Science) & UniHi

On top of that, there was an attempt the morning of Yingying Zhang kidnapping (afternoon), east of Lincoln Ave (in Urbana) -- female PhD student (Atmospheric Sciences). She *dutifully* reported it to Urbana PD, but IT NEVER GOT FORWARDED to U of  I Police!! CONTRADICTING what U of I Police Chief (Jeff Christense) claimed on Reddit UIUC:

"U of I Police network closely with Urbana PD & Champaign PD"

Jeff Christensen showed up at Altgeld Hall town-meeting, with U of I Vice-President Communications (Robin Kaler) -- red-in-the-face (obviously DRINKING) & LEG SHAKING NERVOUSLY!! Clearly, he was feeling the Heat (Guilty as Charged  -- INCOMPETENCE)

Yes, Jeff Christensen AUTHORED many Trespass Notices AGAINST ME, in my *dutiful* activity in reporting

Threat to NATIONAL SECURITY (US Air Force spy-satellites in JEOPARDY)

sourced from Caltech/NASA/JPL

in order to PROTECT my Dad's legacy (U of I Aerospace Eng Prof/Dept Head), who

established *strong* collaboration between U of I College of Engineering & Caltech/NASA/JPL

[ via Dr Ken Atkins (U of I Aerospace Eng PhD, who flew B52 strategic bombers in Vietnam Conflict ]

Jeff Christensen is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the EXTORTION against me, in trying to

PROTECT National Security of United States

as per Security Briefings I had at Caltech/NASA/JPL

"Mandatory Requirement to report ANY Threat to National Security"

WOW..that means U of I Police, Police Chief "Jeff Christensen", U of I Aerospace Eng Dept are COMPLICIT as *accessory* ("enabler") to that

ROGUE Caltech/NASA/JPL (Caltech runs JPL under NASA contract)

where they will be SHUT DOWN *PERMANENTLY* by FBI (with DoJ "Dept of Justice" in tow). Just Google Search "Los Alamos Lab Security Breach":

Los Alamos National Lab (where Atomic Bomb was developed in WW2) was SHUT DOWN for 2 weeks

to investigate the Security Breach.

However, the Caltech/NASA/JPL is FAR MORE SERIOUS -- the Bad Actor (non-PhD astronoer at JPL) has been acting like a "sleeper spy" for nearly 40 Freakin' Years.. Yes, he's JEWISH ]

decided to FABRICATE A LIE about me -- likely FALSELY ACCUSING ME of a death-threat!

This is COMMONLY DONE by Urbana PD:

"we got a report of you threatening people with a gun, & shooting them up"

^^^ TOTAL F***G LIE, these SH*T COPS!!

[ I have experienced this TWICE, during my July/2024 visit to Urbana/IL, while making rounds at U of Illinois -- arranging meetings with various Dept Heads:

Physics, Mechanical Sciences & Engineering, Beckman Institute (Biophysics), Chemistry, Computer Science, Astronomy, etc

Also, visiting some people in Urbana -- 2 of my old residences (my parents) & friends (neighbors). Also, Dr Thomas Huang's old residence (2211 Vawter, Urbana) ]

A simple FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request, will REVEAL the dirty paper-trail.

Yes, they would be STUPID ENOUGH to do it via email, likely PRIVATE EMAIL

[ in violation of Public Disclosure Laws -- U of I business MUST be conducted using Illinois.edu emails. ]

BTW, this is what the lawsuit by Dr Steven Salaita (infamous Dr Steven Salaita SCANDAL) revealed about Chancellor (Dr Phyllis Wise) & Provost (Dr Adesida, EE Dept):

"This University is so messed up"/Dr Phyllis Wise

"I agree, this university is messed up"/Dr Adesida

^^^ WOW.. As soon as these DISCUSTING emails went Public (MSM "Mainstream Media"), the above 2 bums (with Bum Walkington, a close 3rd) had NO CHOICE but to RESIGN in Aug/2015

Another Top Official At University Of Illinois Resigning - CBS Chicago (cbsnews.com)

Likely when I get a lawyer to SUE UniHi, U of Illinois -- a SIMILAR thing will be revealed:

"DIRTY (private) emails used to ASSASSINATE Dr Robert Yen using FABRICATED LIES ("threatening phone call by me to Bum Walkington")"

The lawyer? Just any one of the my various '70 - '75 classmates:

1) Shawn Holliday UniHi '75, U of Michigan Law School grad, U of I bronze-tablet scholar (Political Science)
my best friend growing up K-6 (Wiley Elementary)

2) Lt Commander (retired) Tom Dworschak, U of I ROTC, Emory Law School
former US Army lawyer (along with his wife Betty), did his 20 years..retired. Then, joined

DoJ (Dept of Justice)/Atlanta as trial-attorney

Tom & I are going to Congress, to testify about

MONSTROUS SCANDAL in Astronomy/Physics implicating major R1 (Research Tier 1) Univs, NASA (!!)

Caltech, Harvard, MIT, U of Arizona, Stanford, Arizona State, U of Illinois (!!)

NASA/JPL (run by Caltech), NASA/AMES, NASA/GSFC (Goddard Space Flight Center..brain-trust of NASA)

^^^ NOTE "U of Illinois" -- this brings them into a SECOND CASE of 


!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS S**T UP..as the saying goes

At this point, the reader is saying


It's the Narcissist DYSFUNCTIONAL (full of Incompetence/CORRUPTION) Academia:


"It's ironic. Universities are supposed to be the bastions of freedom, but WHEN YOU LOOK BEHIND THE SCENES, THEY'RE VERY EXPLOITATIVE"
-- Scot Hamilton, from Washington Post article "Professor of Desperation"

Just look at how Web/Internet is EXPOSING Academia for WHAT IT IS -- Mafia-like practices:

Exortion, Gangster University Police, etc

^^^ THIS. It's what FREAKIN' HAPPENED TO ME -- Caltech AND U of Illinois!!

These "Machines" will goto NO ENDS, stoop to LOWEST LEVEL -- to GET WHAT THEY WANT!

Like I say, they're run like MAFIA!

"Univs are run like CORPORATIONS"
-- Dr Rick Schult, UniHi '74, private communication

(EXAMPLE)  Caltech is a good example -- how they ABUSED Dr Sandra Troian
She had a classified project (Space Technology) at JPL (Caltech manages it under NASA contract)

*correctly*reported her Israeli post-doc to FBI, for ESPIONAGE

[ sending sensitive information back to Israel ]

Lawsuit says Caltech Provost and others ignored Israeli spying and then retaliated against whistleblower


She was then EXTORTED by (scumbag) Jewish 

President Dr Thomas Rosenbaum (Physics) & Provost Dr Ed Stolper (Geophysics)

along with female staffers BREAKING INTO Dr Troian's office, to STEAL her evidence!!

^^^ SERIOUSLY -- felony "breaking & entering" ??


Poor Sandra developed heart problems, & was literally TORTURED by the above A**H***S!

She SUED Caltech..and WON! Open-and-Shut case, due to IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE ("smoking gun" trail)

-- Sandra Troian, shouting to me over the phone

Moral of the Story:
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, mess with an Italian woman!!

"My Italian mom would NOT be afraid to resort to physical means..[  Tough Love ]"
-- Bill Parcells, famed NFL football coach (2 Super Bowl rings), ESPN Sports Century "Bill Parcells"

Then..THERE'S ME!!

I have an Italian type of personality, I wear my Emotions on my Sleeve. Having been trained with Tough Love at

Wiley K-6 (Urbana), UniHi (U of Illinois Dept of Education), U of Illinois Electrical Eng (BS/MS/PhD)


Unfortunately, the U of Illinois & UniHi (its red-headed step child) have displayed

Worst of the WORST

towards me, when I SIMPLY brought up OBVIOUS issues w/UniHi (THEIR doing, not ME!!)

BTW, it's NOT JUST ME -- there are OTHER UniHi alumni who are UNHAPPY, especially after the


E.g., Jane Hays (UniHi '72)

"What is going on with that?"
-- Jane Hays, asking Christine Szabo, Dec/2014 mini-UniHi reunion

The story of  Dr "The Bum" Walkington ISN'T OVER..


"Why should I donate to UniHi, if its facilities are in such DISREPAIR [ worn out stairs ]", UniHi alum

 Above told to me by Advancement Office contact

I asked him for list of alumni/teachers, NEVER GOT IT!

Apparently I'm *blackballed* by Advancement Office (AND UniHi upper-management), they are AFRAID of me!


UniHi has historically had *PERSISTENT* problems:

1) different principal every year 

1970 - 1975, College of Education simply "couldn't keep it together"

2) threats of Shutting-It-Down ('70 - '75)

my UniHi '75 classmate Louise Allen, told me this (over the phone), on her UniHi remembrance

3) MONEY issues, i.e. Fiscal Irresponsibility

Famous saying -- "Follow the Money". UniHi has ALWAYS had under-performing antiquated facilities.


Somebody in Upper Management simply FAILED:

"The President of University is *responsible* for bringing in Money/$$" 

[ as per Dr Jay Pasachoff, Williams College Prof Astronomy (Harvard PhD Astronomy), personal communication ]


FINALLY, in '81, it was scheduled to be SHUT DOWN. However, it got a "save" from

Dr James Tobin, Economics Nobel awarded for 1981 

which caused THEN U of I Provost (Dr Edwin "Ned" Goldwasser, U of I Physics Prof) to say:

"maybe UniHi is worth saving"

[ his kids went to UniHi in early 60's ]

And, put UniHi under U of I Provost..

^^^ BAD IDEA! UniHi NEVER got the Tough Love moment to improve-itself (Evolve!):

towards UniHi 2.0

So, here we are in 2024 -- 10 YEARS after red-flag

1 MILLION Accounting FRAUD

[ billing teacher-salaries to bogus account, they [ UniHi upper-management ] resorted to CHEATING!! ]

as reported by News-Gazette, Daily Illini, Gargoyle (UniHi student newspaper):


^^^ EXCUSE ME?? "they are still not sure how the error happened"


[ sure enough, he got RUN OUT of UniHi in 2019 ("resignation") -- it took that AWFUL U of Illinois FIVE F***G YEARS to "get rid of the bum"..

"I assume the accounting scandal was why he had to resign"
-- Dr Rick Schult, UniHi '75, MIT undergrad & Stanford PhD Geophysics, personal communication

FIVE YEARS is an *eternity*, raking (more like "raping") in more than $170K/year ]

Dr Jeff Walkington makes $171.8K/year (ranks in top 10% of U of I officials), his high-school has historically been POOR, teacher salaries are 20% LOWER than market-rate, etc

"We're scraping for paper-clips here!"
-- Marilyn Upah-Bant (shouting to me over the phone), UniHi Alumni Director, during our UniHi '75 20th Reunion (1995)

Well, we NOW have a Motive.. UniHi upper-management resorted to CHEATING, to "balance their budget"


Uni’s million-dollar debt: the struggle to understand & fix it – The Gargoyle (illinois.edu)

Monday, July 15, 2024

Erika Harold (future 2003 Miss America), victim of sexual harassment at UniHi

NPR : National Press Club -- Erika Harold, Miss America 2003 (archive.org)


Our beloved UniHi (part of College of Education at U of  I), haven for Discovery Learning, has devolved into a platform for Bullying & Sexual/Racial HARASSMENT!!

Our 20th Reunion (UniHi Class of '75) was greeted in Urbana, with FRONT-PAGE article

"NOT all is well at UniHi"

Which was a scathing article, on Erika Harold (UniHi '97), & her story of ABUSE.

Some of us mentioned it to each other:

"Did you see that front-page News Gazette article?"
"Yeah, it was brought up"

Just indication, that UniHi has had a PERSISTENT problem with Failed Leadership:

Fiscal IRRESPONSIBILITY (no money), Drug Use, etc

UniHi was supposed to be about a friendly community, amongst students & teachers

"It was a place where you could be YOURSELF, & be accepted for who you were"
-- Lorelle Uggerby, UniHi '75, 20th Reunion

^^^ very bright person, super gregarious

Daily Illini article "University High in $1 million debt due to accounting error" -- WHAT THE HECK??


Due to an accounting error that charged salaries to a closed account for several years, the University Laboratory High School has accumulated nearly $1 million of debt.  

Jeff Walkington, director of the high school, said they are still not sure how the error happened. 

The University filed a request for an audit in September, which is now underway. School officials hope the audit will tell more than just how the error occurred.

“We hope that from this audit we will figure out how the error happened and also how finances can be better monitored,” Walkington said.

^^^ WHAT A LIAR that Dr Jeff Walkington is.."not sure how it happened"

He makes 170K per year, 1 of the top salaries at U of Illinois: 

while his 'po-boy UniHi was SO HARD UP for Money/$$:

they pay teachers 20% less than public HS teachers

This is SO "Univ of Illinois" -- a VERY CORRUPT University. Racked with CONSECUTIVE SCANDALS:

1st one involving Admissions FRAUD -- disgraced IL governor Blagoyevich (sentenced to Federal Prison), who tried to get his cronies UNQUALIFIED kids in to U of I. Poor Dr Joe White had to RESIGN, after an U of I insider became whistle-blower:

"this ISN'T RIGHT, the Public has to know!"

2) former U of Connecticut douche (& his female crony, Psychology Prof)
600K spent on Search Committee, to find above trouble-makers, sordid paper-trail at U of Connecticut. .6 MILLION spent to find a couple of IDIOTS. Dr Gordon Baym  (U of I Physics Dept), et al went on a warpath to RUN these 2 jerks out..

Followed by DISGRACEFUL resignation in Aug/2015 by

Chancellor (Dr Phyllis Wise) & Provost (Dr Adesida, EE Dept)

after the lawsuit by Dr Steven Salaita

[ where U of I was BOYCOTTED by leading scholars, & CENSURED by AAUP (American Assn of University Professors). After Dr Salaita was hired, then un-hired ("fired") simply for expressing his Freedom of Speech ]

revealed that they were using PRIVATE EMAILS to conduct University business:

in violation of Public Disclosuere Laws. I.e, what they did was TOTALLY ILLEGAL

"This University is so messed up"/Dr Phyllis Wise

"I agree this University is MESSED UP"/Dr Adesida

^^^ Oh Boy!! Once these emails went Public, these 2 clowns had NO CHOICE but to resign!

2 weeks later, Head Football Coach Tim Beckman was FIRED for player-abuse, after his former player tweeted whistle-blowing evidence. 6 months later, AD (Athletic Director) Mike Thomas was FIRED!

The DIAA (Division of Intercollegiate Athletic) was left in SHAMBLES due to the above. It was that clown Dr Phyllis Wise who HIRED that idiot Mike Thomas, as AD

Then, she turns around & pulls MORE boners while Chancellor

^^^ This is SO "U of Illinois"

There were SCORES of U of I alumni, CALLING IN to U of I to complain!

Myself included..

UniHi teachers SUE U of Illinois (represented by douche UniHi principal Dr Jeff Walkington), U of I LOSES, also loses Appeal!


UniHi teachers (Uni Faculty Org) SUE U of Illinois for better rights/benefits, where U of Illinois is represented by douche UniHi principal Dr Jeff  Walkington.

[ who makes 170K salary !! While his UniHi was CAUGHT with 1 MILLION $$ "budget shortfall" (Accounting FRAUD!). 

UniHi (U of Illinois) DISASTER, FAILED LEADERSHIP, Budget FAIL, drug-use, Mental Health probs: 1 MILLION $$ "budget shortfall" (Accounting FRAUD), reported by News-Gazette (2014) (unihi-disaster.blogspot.com)


UniHi teachers are paid 20% less than standard-rate, who are RIGHTFULLY seeking better benefits/rightrs ]

U of Illinois LOSES judgement! Appeals, LOSES the appeal!

BTW, I met with Dr Doug Dirks (noted UniHi Physics teacher in 70's) in St Charles/IL, at his home. He/wife both were involved with Western IL high-school, specifically Science teaching

He told me Dr Charlene Tibbets, the grand dame of English Dept at Uni (60's & 70's), was VERY OUTSPOKEN ("shrill voice" at Faculty Meetings) about having equivalent rights/benefits as U of I professors.

^^^ Of course she's RIGHT! Common-sense argument

Sure enough, 45 years later, the Uni teachers unionized (Uni Faculty Org) & SUED for better rights/benefits

They call this

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does RHYME"
-- Mark Twain

WIDESPREAD drug-use, 60's & 70's -- UniHi FAILED MANAGEMENT, Failure to take-care of the students ("kids")

 I'm hearing some AWFUL stories, coupled with IRREFUTABLE evidence:

Suicides (esp in 60's), Mental Health, also DRUG ABUSE

ALL due to Failed Management at UniHi -- they FAILED to "protect their kids"

The IP (Intellectual Property) of UniHi are:

Teachers (passionate about their *mission*), Students (youthful exuberance, bright/motivated)

probing the frontiers of Education:

Curriculum Development Laboratory

A Noble Mission -- THAT was why parents/kids chose UniHi!

Let's talk about the latter  -- DRUG USE!

I'm getting this report from a high-ranking (student body) UniHi '75 classmate:

"3 of our classmates (Dads were U of Illinois Math Profs) became Drug-Users ..AND.. DRUG DEALERS"

This would be

1) Dr John Bartle (U of  Nebraska Dean College of  Public Affairs & Community Service)

John Bartle, Ph.D. | Office of the Chancellor | University of Nebraska Omaha (unomaha.edu)

2) (late) Mark Rubel
former EIU instructor, Blackbird Academy Director of Education

3) (late) Dr Hal Rothman

Hal Rothman - Wikipedia
noted Environmental Historian, Las Vegas historian, UNLV History Prof/Dept Head)

^^^ 2 of them are DECEASED -- only Dr John Bartle is left

IMAGINE the above going Public in MSM (Mainstream Media)!! Not only is Dr John Bartle is "toast", but so is UniHi!!

Excuse me.. OMG WTF! 

My Take:
I BLAME the Failed Leadership at UniHi, for ALLOWING drug-use (& resultant drug-dealership) to CORRUPT the UniHi student-body! Yeah, the students should KNOW BETTER than to put filth in their bodies -- that comes down to UPBRINGING (parents)! However, it's a KNOWN FACT that the dual

Parenting & Schooling is KEY to Education

So, I REALLY blame the schools -- in this case UniHi Upper Management -- TRASH!

Not only did they FAIL the kids, they also FAILED THEMSELVES with Fiscal IRRESPONSIBILITY!!

I.e., no Money -- NO SCHOOL! See the thread on 1 MILLION "budget shortfall" (Accounting FRAUD):

UniHi (U of Illinois) DISASTER, FAILED LEADERSHIP, drug-use, Mental Health probs: 1 MILLION $$ "budget shortfall" (Accounting FRAUD), reported by News-Gazette (2014) (unihi-disaster.blogspot.com)

with articles by News-Gazette, Daily Illini, Gargoyle (UniHi student newspaper):



Uni’s million-dollar debt: the struggle to understand & fix it – The Gargoyle (illinois.edu)

I DO remember a SHADY character in the Plato room (computer terminals), who CLEARLY was NOT a Uni student -- looked/talked like a drug-dealer. He tried to get me to give him a Plato signon. In the background, Eric Gullerud (UniHi '76) was waving his hands mouthing

"No way, NO WAY"

NOW, I'm putting together data points:

UniHi had POOR "people control" -- ALLOWING an obvious outsider (drug dealer) INSIDE their premises, selling drugs to UniHi students

NOW, when I call in June/2016 to Dr Jeff Walkington (poser co-director aka "principal") to answer to

1 MILLION $$ budget-shortfall (Accounting FRAUD)

[ a very friendly call, saying he should brush up his resume, & find another job ]

he calls U of I Police Chief Jeff Christensen, who then calls Pasadena PD (I live in Pasadena/CA, 2 blocks from Caltech), who sends

SWAT sniper with rifle ready "to drop a bomb on my head"

!!! OMG WTF.. I mean -- SERIOUSLY, what is going on??

Walkington ("bum principal making $171.8K/year salary") was VERY AFRAID OF ME

"Running SCARED"

so, he pulled a BONE-HEAD move (in conjunction with U of I Police Chief Jeff Christensen) -- literally PANIC'ed!!

RESORTED to Attempted Murder to try to silence me (AND others)! ]

Turns out that bum Walkington got "run out" of  UniHi in 2019

[ forced "resignation", not a FIRING to sound INCRIMINATORY against UniHi & U of I ]

took them THAT LONG .. FIVE freakin' years!!

^^^ This is SO "U of Illinois"

"I assume that Accounting Scandal is the reason for Walkington's RESIGNATION"
-- Dr Rick Schult, UniHi '75 (Stanford Geophysics PhD), personal communication

"U of Illinois will NEVER admit fault to ANYTHING. They just let their lawyers do the "dirty work" --LIE THEIR WAY OUT OF IT"
-- Jeff D***, my former K-6 classmate (Wiley Elementary), who works at U of I


I was part of the "straight & narrow" (small minority, I admit!), which included

Eric Rasmusen UniHi '76, Kathy Klock UniHi '74, etc

which AVOIDED the *infamous* Loung, which was a haven for

Bad Behavior

[ playing Poker, listening to LOUD music, & other shenanigans ]

Easy to call-out the above 3 drug-users & DRUG-DEALERS:

1 MILLION $$ "budget shortfall" (Accounting FRAUD), reported by News-Gazette (2014)



reported Oct 2014, updated 2019

^^^ THIS. Accounting FRAUD for chrissake!!

EVERY UniHi alumni I've run into has had a INCREDULOUS reaction to this.

E.g., Jane Hays (UniHi '72), who attended a mini UniHi reunion Dec/2014, at Christine Szabo's house:

"What is going on with this?"

she asked Christine, who gave a typical political-type of excuse (LIE). I stood there, just *cringing* -- COME ON Christine. Just TELL THE TRUTH, for chrissake!

UniHi was *always* DYSFUNCTIONAL, now 23 years later after 1981:


it got a last-minute save when Dr James Tobin won the 1981 Economics Nobel, whereupon

U of I Provost, Dr Edwin "Ned" Goldwasser (U of I Physics, whose kids went to UniHi in early 60's)

decided UniHi was WORTH saving. And, put it under U of I Provost, previously it was under College of Education

^^^ BAD IDEA.. Because, UniHi NEVER got the Tough Love moment to get their S**T together:

Managment, esp Fiscal Responsibility ("balancing the budget")

There have been some cryptic references to UniHi, incl this tidbit:

"UniHi will always find a way to exist"
-- Warrenn Royer, UniHi English Dept, UniHi principal ('74 - '75)

I had thought UniHi had some Golden Years, as part of the typical

Peaks & Valleys evolution path

but, apparently UniHi was ALWAYS dogged by "existence" problems. Best summarized by my UniHi '75 Class President, Shawn Holliday:

"Fall down, pick yourself back up, struggled, FALL DOWN again. Rinse & Repeat"

-- Shawn Holliday, private communication, Re: America

UniHi ALWAYS had problems, dating back to my days ('70 - '75), I'm UniHi Class of '75:

Threats of closing UniHi down, DIFFERENT principal EACH YEAR (!), under-funded "poor" facilities, etc

I.e., Money & Leadership problems -- plague-ing the so-called "elite" high school..

I have since learned via Christine Szabo

[ "cheerleader" for UniHi, daughter of famed Dr Steven Szabo, protege of Dr Max Beberman (UICSM founder) ]

that UniHI was declared a "public high-school", to gain Public (taxpayer) funds.. MORE indication of FUNDING ISSUES at UniHi. Moreover, at my late June & early July visit of Urbana (& U of Illinois), there is a BIG SIGN on UniHi grounds -- BEGGING for Money/$$ !!

BAD SIGN.. [ no pun intended ]

On the heels of 1 MILLION $$ budget-shortfall, they are STILL having Fiscal Funding issues..

Well, now UniHi has *competitition*, the Academy High private HS:

^^^ seen at Marketplace Mall (Champaign)

At this point, if I were a C-U parent wanting an elite magnet school, Academy High would be the CLEAR choice! No problems, No drama

During our UniHi '75 20th reunion, the Alumni coordinator (awful Marilyn Upah-Bant) told me:

"UniHi teachers make 20% less, than the going-rate"

when I asked about UniHi teacher salaries. My best-friend @UniHi

[ now Dr Larry Stinson, anesthesiologist in Anchorage/AK ]

actually donated thousands of $$'s for alumni, to help with travel to 20th reunion. Including myself.

I *extended* the questionnaire started by Shawn Holliday (UniHi '75 Class President), by doing a self-initiated

History project for UniHi 70's ('70 - '80)

to answer the question:

"What is the Legacy of UniHi 70's classes"

I.e. How did it affect our Life Path, Career, etc.

I *asked* for the REMAINDER of Dr Larry Stinson's generous donation, to continue my project post-20th UniHi reunion, from Marily Upah-Bant. Upon which she got ANGRY with me, exclaiming:

"We're SAVING paper-clips here!"

^^^ Well..we NOW know the motive of the above 1 MILLION $$ "budget shortall"

[ translation: Accounting FRAUD ]

UniHi simply was Fiscally Inept, & resorted to FRAUD ("cheating")

Cheaters Never Prosper

as the saying goes..